Before - Attic Insulation Photo 1
Old insulation is displaced so attic air goes around it and affects ceiling temperature below.

Before - Attic Insulation Photo 2
Displaced insulation in another section of the attic.

Before - Attic Insulation Photo 3
When insulation looks like this, attic air is getting around it!

Before - Attic Insulation Photo 4
The bath fan is venting into attic and can lead to mold growth from moisture.

During - Blown in Insulation Photo 1
Blow in cellulose insulation being installed over top of old insulation. All building gaps under the old insulation were sealed with spray foam and the old insulation was laid flat before the cellulose was installed.

During - Blown in Insulation Photo 2
We have to get into some tight spaces to apply blown in cellulose insulation!

During - Blown in Insulation Photo 3
12-inches of insulation was added above the old insulation. It reduced the amount of heat transferred thru the ceiling by 67%. It also saved energy because it covered the ductwork in the attic so it didn't lose as much energy to the harsh attic.

After - Blown in Insulation Photo 1
This is the same view as Before - Photo 3. The cellulose insulation knits together when it is blown and forms a level barrier that prevents air penetration while reducing heat transfer from the conditioned rooms below.

After - Blown in Insulation Photo 1
This is the same view as Before - Photo 2. What an improvement!